Revamp Nail Spa is a top-notch nail salon and spa in Greensboro, North Carolina 27407. Our nail salon is the most affordable and professional.

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Contact US
We are committed to bringing you the latest advances in beauty care and only using the most trusted brands in the beauty industry. Revamp Nail Spa offers the highest quality, most enjoyable manicure and pedicure services in Greensboro, North Carolina. Our world-class products, services, and top technologies will help you feel great and look your best!
Our nail salon understands the importance of maintaining a healthy, safe environment for all of our valued guests. Our implements, equipment, and electrical instruments are always thoroughly cleaned and subjected to an approved sanitizing and disinfecting process before being reused. Buffers and files are used only once, then discarded. All pedicure procedures are performed with liner protection.
Enjoy our wide range of services in a cozy and luxurious environment. We look forward to serving you!